A message from Mr Captain
Following the AGM on Tuesday 8th February, I just wanted to share a few words and thoughts with our members. Firstly, I’d like to say it’s an honour and privilege to be Oldham Golf Club Captain, and huge thanks go to Mr John Wood for asking me to be his Vice and sharing his year in office. What a year it has been, it’s given me great insight into what it takes to run a club like OGC, and I’m thankful to have made so many new friends along the way, particularly from OGC, district invitationals and various events throughout the year.
I’d like to thank all past Captains for their service to OGC over the years, in addition to past and present members, council, volunteers and staff who generously give, and have given, their time and effort to the Club.
I endeavour to do my utmost for the club in my year of office and aim to ensure that any decisions made are in the best interest of the Club and its members. As many of you will know, I am competitive and passionate, but also a good listener, and keen to understand ideas on how to grow the club. My door is open, if you have something to suggest, please get in touch.
Having been involved at Oldham Golf Club since 2013, I believe the Club’s biggest strength is its members and volunteers- the welcome you receive from them is second to none, as is their commitment to sustain the longevity of the Club. I see passion and willingness to develop the Club: to improve the greens, the shop, events and to increase income which, all in all, will enhance the overall experience for members.
Following the excellent work of last year’s Lady Captain, it’s great to see the Club moving forward with technology: a new and improved website, more ways for members and visitors to pay their fees, and use of BRS and Golf Genius for competition management. England Golf are striving to make golf more accessible and technologically advanced and I’m sure Oldham Golf Club will embrace it.
There were also some fantastic results on the course last year: winning the Brian Attack, beating Denton seven-nil away from home in the Archie Preston, and much success in the ODGL and GM matches and opens, particularly from the Ladies Section.
I’m pleased to announce that my Captain’s charity for 2023 will be Dr Kershaw’s Hospice, which provides free, specialist, end-of-life and palliative care (an area of healthcare that focuses on relieving and preventing the suffering of patients) in a peaceful and homely environment for adults with life-limiting illnesses in Oldham and its surrounding areas. The fundraising will commence before the summer golf season starts when, on 17th March I will be participating in Dr Kershaw’s Strictly Dance Event!!. Further details and fundraising page can be found at www.tinyurl.com/9dwc2a39
I am greatly looking forward to my year as Captain and turn to all members for their support. As I previously said, my door is open, please do get in touch.
Thank you
Jonny Phillips OGC Captain 2023